"Everything we see hides another thing,
we always want to see what is hidden by what we see."
(René Magritte)
(René Magritte: The Lovers)
"We no longer believe that truth remains truth when the veils are withdrawn; we have lived too much to believe this. Today we consider it a matter of decency not to wish to see everything naked, or to be present at everything, or to understand and 'know' everything." (Friedrich Nietzsche: The Gay Science [New York: Vintage, 1974] 38)
"'Truth' can only be a surface. But the blushing movement of that truth which is not suspended in quotation marks casts a modest veil over such a surface. And only through such a veil which thus falls over it could 'truth' become truth, profound, indecent, desirable. But should that veil be suspended, or even fall a bit differently, there would no longer be any truth, only 'truth' -- written in quotation marks." (Jacques Derrida: Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979] 59)
(Barny Bewick: Casually Dressed)